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I understand and agree that my dog is in good health and has not harmed, showed aggression or threatening behaviour towards other people or dogs in the past, and if so, that you have discussed this with us prior to them coming to daycare.

I further understand and agree that Sirius Canines Daycare will not be liable for any problems that develop, providing reasonable care and precautions are followed. I hereby release them from any and all liabilities, obligations, causes of actions, claims and rights that I have or may have against them, whether known or unknown, occurred or not occurred, existing at, or in regards to my dog's attendance at Sirius Canines Daycare.

I further understand and agree that any problem that develops with my dog will be treated as deemed best by the staff of Sirius Canines, in their sole discretion, and I assume full responsibility for any and all expenses involved with such treatment. In the event of treatment being required, Sirius Canines will endeavour to contact you, but failing that, will take necessary action to provide safe care for your dog.

I further understand and agree that I am solely responsible for any injuries or sickness caused by my dog(s) while attending Sirius Canines Daycare and I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Sirius Canines and it's staff for any and all liabilities, obligations, causes of action, claims and rights related in any way to my dog(s) attending Sirius Canines.

I certify that all vaccinations and licensing fees are up to date and that my dog(s) have been vaccinated for Parvovirus and Kennel Cough.

By registering, I certify that I have read and understood this agreement. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations and accept all terms, conditions and statements of the agreement.

©2021 by Sirius Canines.

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